I offer academic skills training, workshops and e-courses for PhD students
Academic skills Trainer
Trainings increase the (academic) skill set of your PhD students or trainees, and their confidence, independence, and presence.
- Presentation skills
- Publication skills
- Graphic design skills
I would love to develop a course specifically for your PhDs, or to be a facilitator of an already existing course at your institute, language center or graduate school.
Academic workshops
I offer a variety of academic workshops for your PhD students, ranging from:
- How to present and pitch
- Taking the next career step
- Increasing your visibility
Academic Workshops are in English or Dutch and can be given online or on-site.
<– Check out more in the video. Don’t forget to put on your sound.
Experience as an academic skills trainer
I have been a Freelance Academic Skills trainer for UTwente since 2020. Together with other trainers, I give their PhD Bootcamps on academic publishing and presentation skills several times yearly.
I have developed a successful program for individual PhD candidates, including a Masterclass, PhD Starters Kit, an e-course on how to publish, and academic writing weeks in Spain. Typically, over 100 people sign-up for my Masterclasses.
I developed and gave multiple courses, training programs, and workshops for different institutes, e.g. Delft University of Technology, Maastricht University, and Bursar Society.
I love to be on stage, whether it be to present my research or to host a conference.
2020 – 2022 Postdoc at Isala Hospital, Zwolle, the Netherlands
2015 – 2019: PhD in medical engineering from Delft University of Technology. Supervised several interns, Bachelor’s, and Master’s students. I was involved in many teaching activities during my PhD program. I got an award for best oral presentation.


Interested? I would love to discuss the possibilities!
Find the general terms and conditions of Doctor Tonke here