Publishing is more than writing a paper…
You want to publish your first academic paper. Maybe you have even finished, or you are working on the first draft of your manuscript. Great! But, what’s next? Where do you start and make sure that your paper gets published?
The academic publication process can be a real challenge at first. Would you like to save time and frustration and make sure you know what steps to take to get your paper published?
After following this online course on How to Publish, you know exactly what practical steps to take to get your paper published. You can start now!
You will have a bunch of examples and templates
This course provides you with six examples of cover letters and rebuttals from paper submissions of researchers with different academic fields. You can use these examples and the templates for your own submission.
You have prepared important documents needed for your submission
Through the assignment, you will have prepared your personal journal selection file, a cover letter to the editor, and a social media post. This will save you time when you are going to submit your paper to a journal.
You will know what steps to take to get your paper published.
You don’t have to ask your supervisors or colleagues how the publication process works. This will add to your confidence as a researcher and makes you independent. Last but not least, it will bring you one step closer to becoming a Doctor!
Five online lessons
Every week you will get access to a lesson on how to publish. In total there are five lessons with multiple videos, assignments, and examples. Make sure to block your agenda to follow them in your own time!
Multiple examples and assignments
The course contents consist of multiple examples of cover letters and rebuttals from researchers from different academic fields. This is super valuable and will save you a lot of time!
Discuss your questions with me
You will have the option to ask your individual questions to me over e-mail.
You will get an official certificate
Upon finishing the course, you will get an official certificate of attendance by the online PhD-Academy from Doctor Tonke, which you can for example use for your Graduate School.
You will get access to the full course content for one year
Hi there! I am Tonke, a scientist myself.
I hold a PhD in medical engineering from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Now, I live partly in the Netherlands and in Southern Spain, where I do have a new renovation project going on.
After obtaining my PhD degree, I started my own business “Doctor Tonke”. I help PhD students become independent and confident researchers by offering academic support. Moreover, I work as a Postdoc for a Dutch hospital and do freelance research work.
I know exactly what struggles you are dealing with because I have been there myself. That’s why I can help you! I remember when I submitted my first paper, I had no clue about what I was doing. I had no insight into the publication process. I would love to make that easier for you.
Lesson 1
Journal selection
1.1 Selecting right from wrong
1.2 The quality and impact of the journal
1.3 What are your needs?
1.4 Assignment
Lesson 2
Paper submission
2.1 First selection or first writing?
2.2 Manuscript types
2.3 The author guidelines
2.4 Cover letters
2.5 Recommend peer reviewers
2.6 Submission system
2.7 Assignment
Lesson 3
Journal reaction
3.1 Manuscript status
3.2 Revision types
3.3 Normalizing rejection
3.4 Take a breath first
Lesson 4
Paper revisions
4.1 Writing a rebuttal
4.2 Resubmit your revision
4.3 Under pressure…
4.4 What happens after resubmission?
Lesson 5
Accepted, now what?
5.1 Accepted: preparing the proofs
5.2 In press/published
5.3 How to make sure people read your work?
5.4 Assignment
- You are working on, or finished with, the first draft of your manuscript and you want to publish it in an academic journal
- You want an easy to follow course, covering all steps that are necessary to get your paper published
- You want an online course that you can follow in your own time and at your own pace
- You want to feel confident to hit that send button without hesitation when you are submitting your first paper to a journal!
– About me as a trainer –
“For several weeks, Tonke provided us with excellent guidance, support, and encouragement through a weekly scheduled digital PhD group. Each session was organized and provided a safe space for each member to discuss how they were feeling, what their progress was on last week’s goals, and what they would like to accomplish for the week. The moderator planned for specific topics, providing resources to facilitate each discussion.
Tonke was an excellent facilitator and leader of this group, ensuring that each member could share their thoughts, and did a wonderful job of motivating us to remain positive, productive, and to keep improving our work-life balance. I mostly enjoyed being held accountable by peers and being able to talk about issues we face as PhD students, especially during a difficult time like a pandemic.
The most valuable takeaway was the fresh perspective I gained on writing, planning, motivation, and self-care from PhD students abroad! My favorite session was the planning topic – we were able to share our screens and share different methods for short and long-term planning, some of which I am incorporating into my own time management practice!”
Lietsel Richardson
Mechanical Engineering PhD Student
University of Central Florida
– About the e-course How to Publish –
“I have just completed the course “How to Publish” and I personally loved the course very much. The course was well structured and the chapter divisions helped to identify the key steps in the publication process.
The fact that she used real life examples, some even from her own experiences, really helped me know what to expect in each step and visualise the processes. The examples and templates she provided for the cover letters, rebuttals and social media posts would definitely serve as valuable references, especially for the first-time-publishers. The lesson videos were all short and concise, which helped me stay motivated throughout the course.
I would personally recommend this course to every researcher who wishes to publish their first paper as this course summarises each and every aspect of the publication process in a very concise and practical manner.”
Asvin Sajeev Kumar
PhD Candidate
Large Scale Energy Storage
3mE – Process & Energy Department
Delft University of Technology
– About the Masterclasses –
“What I wish I had known as a PhD Researcher”

Short Summary
- One year access to the online teaching environment with the content of the e-course on How to Publish
- Multiple examples and templates of cover letters and rebuttals
- Five weekly lessons to be followed in your own time
- Journal Selection
- Paper submission
- Reaction of the journal
- Paper revisions
- Accepted now what?
- Training by a published author with a PhD
* Excluding VAT. Access for one year to all course material. There is NO automatic extension.

Do I have to have a manuscript ready?
No! You don’t have to have a manuscript ready yet. On the contrary, I would advise you to start this course when you are working on your first manuscript, as you can tweak it along the way to meet the requirements of the journal.
Is this course something for me?
Depends! This course is for all academics who want to publish their first paper and make sure that the process will be as smooth as possible. The course is specifically created for PhD researchers, but is also suitable for MSc students who want to publish their research.
Can I follow this course in my own time?
Yes, you can! After enrolling in the course, a lesson will be published each week. You can decide for yourself when you would like to follow the lessons. Lessons consist of videos, templates and assignments. Make sure to schedule a couple of hours per lesson.
Can I get individual support?
How to Publish is a full e-course and designed to be followed on your own. I believe this suits the schedule of most busy researchers the best. Feel free to email me your question during the course and please let me know if you need any additional individual guidance from me. I am more than happy to help you!
Do I need to be a PhD researcher?
No! This course is developed for all researchers who would like to submit their first paper to an academic journal.
Do I get an official invoice?
Yes! You will get an official invoice that you can use to reimburse the course costs (if possible) at your institute.
How long can I access the content?
You can access all the content for up to one year after your enrollment. If needed, you can renew your enrollment after one year. No worries, this will not be done automatically.
My question is not answered here?
You can contact me on and I will be happy to answer your question!
Money-back guarantee
Not satisfied with the course? I offer a 15-day money-back guarantee. Please get in touch with me at and I will ensure you get your investment back.