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PhD Career Vlog

PhD Career vlog

Taking the next career step as a PhD student or researcher can be a real challenge. In this 5 minute vlog, I share three practical tips with you, that you can start implementing right away!

This vlog was awarded by Academic Transfer in their Blog/Vlog/Podcast contest. Academic Transfer is the largest Dutch job website for academic vacancies.


Free Masterclass

What I wish I had known as a junior (PhD) scientist


In this FREE Masterclass, I share 9 situations with you in which “I wish I had…” Because I have been there too. I share my lessons learned during my years as a PhD researcher.

This is for you when:

  • You are a starting PhD student
  • You feel you need a little extra support
  • You find yourself wondering about what is normal and what’s not

You can get more information and register yourself by clicking the button below.


More information and registration please!

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